I graduated! I am officially a software engineer from the none other than the great University of Buenos Aires!

As I said in my LinkedIn post:

It’s been a long and difficult journey, but it was worth it, because I got an excellent technical training which I know creates wonderful opportunities and allows me to work on the most interesting projects with cutting-edge technology and with highly trained people with whom I’m fortunate of being able to interact, to learn and to grow professionally along. I close this phase with the satisfaction of having completed a spectacular IoT project (which deserves its own post), and I believe that as some phases are closed, others are opened. In this direction, I’m confident that my new professional endeavours will be very interesting and exciting!

Indeed! We did an IoT project consisting of a glove with sensors in each finger connected to a microcontroller with embedded machine learning which was able to recognize argentinian sign language gestures! This glove interacted with a mobile application developped in Flutter using bluetooth low energy, with which we could collect data and also retrieve the interpretations from the glove. We have learned a lot, but it deserves its own post.

For now, let’s enjoy the moment. A lot of people assisted to our final presentation, around 30 (which is a lot considering we are getting out of a pandemic) people consisting of family, friends, students and teachers. The stream we made registered around 40 people consistently watching it and in the next days we could see up to 400 visualizations of the video.


Photo of me and my beloved friend and teammate Jazmin Ferreiro with whom I worked for more than a year, from January 2021 to the day of our graduation in April 13th 2022 during our celebrations.

I started my highschool studies in 2011, so it took me a while (although that’s the average time it takes for software engineering students at this university) and we are unfortunately very few people who end up getting their degree at FIUBA. So it’s truly a great achievement and I still need more time to process and analyze it thoroughly, but I feel relieved and very happy, not only because of the degree but above all because of the knowledge and experiences I’ve earned at the University of Buenos Aires. Plus I already have 4 years of working experience on the field where I could apply all these knowledges acquired.

Definetly, I believe that even though it’s been 11 years of studying and hard work, the decision of coming to Argentina from Europe and starting this career at this place was the right choice for me.